My name is Rob. Twenty years ago my x-wife Cindy asked me to live in her place of work which was an apartment where she did incall massage in the day and then she would go home to her house in Culver City for the night. Cindy asked me to live there in order to keep things safe and secure but little did I know that I was being set up for terrible humiliation by real actual evil witches. After my first few weeks there I started hearing horrible sounds of children crying and weaping but it was so unusual like they were kidnapped victims. I told Cindy, friends and even my folks back home in Florida but everyone told me to not get involved, that it could be dangerous to me. Well it kept getting worse and on August 21, 2004 I heard a loud scream for help and a thump on the floor above me so I dialed 911 and it turned out that the police could not go in without probable cause. I have had the evil people in my head now for twenty years and they never let up trying desperately to get me to commit suicide although I also believe that they are always trying to talk over the victims who seem to really be counting on me to make sure that justice is served up right.

I have a huge story to tell yet at this time I've been informed by a few women who know more than I do about myself being a victim, that my x-wife had me on hidden camera the whole time that I lived alone at 11101 Palms BLVD. apt 101  in Los Angeles.

They insisted that I would be committing suicide due to the harsh embarrassment I would be undergoing when I think about my behavior when I'm alone in my privacy with the computer online that she had set up for me or especially if or when I ever do see myself on a hidden camera porn site that I have been so wrongly subjected to. Although it hurts to be victimized, I have to be strong and survive. One way that I see it is that I'm glad it's me and not someone else and if I am able to bring her to justice, there maybe less or no more victims of such evil malice behavior. Witches are real and very active in Los Angeles.

Things have really surfaced after twenty years of voices in my head. I've recently received two phone calls letting me know how real this is. One call was about someone seeing me and my x-wife on film in her place which would have to have been set up by her and the other was much worse, me, on hidden camera completely undressed and masturbating and now I realize that my x-wife is one of the very real human female voices in my head along with the very many witches and yes, Cindy is killing.